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adj. Slang
Juvenile: juvie court.

[Shortening and alteration of juvenile.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a juvenile detention centre
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The advocacy award was given to Juvie Talk, a collection of interviews with incarcerated youth across the country, with photos that humanize their stories.
Seeing six or eight greenheads swing 15 feet in front of my layout was about all I could take, and I nearly broke like a juvie Lab.
The complaints were filed by 14 victims of the scam: Benjamin Cruz, Juvie Sanguyo, Gilbert Valonda, Gina Luciano, Liberty Valmadrid, Alberto Santos, Jefferson Aquino, Meruel Tibayan, Lilian Arnaldo, Teresita Mendoza, Glen Guyuram, Ronnie Sosa, Penny Fabro and Ernesto Caguilla.
He was settling down after a childhood that included drugs, drinking, participation in a punk band, an intentional frost-tipped mohawk, theft, arrests, at least one stint in juvie and emancipation from his parents at 16.
Ritter, 35, who came of age in the small borough of Shickshinny, Pennsylvania, said her ambition was to bring to life a"twisted backwoods" setting where"the party that you go to on Friday night is a bonfire," and"the district magistrate is putting people in juvie when he's out smoking weed with kids on the weekends." Some of the most evocative passages in"Bonfire" are about Abby's awkward return to Barrens, a town she thought she outran.
I got in trouble and spent a lot of time in juvie. It was all downhill from there.
In an intimate conversation with her best friend, Krista (Haley Lu Richardson), she lusts over bad boy Nick (Alexander Calvert): 'God, juvie made him so hot!' When Krista tells her that Nick works at Petland, Nadine responds, 'I should go in there and be like, "Excuse me, where are the betta fish?
They were ready to put you in jail." Just ask LA-based artist, filmmaker, and poet Bob Branaman, who was first introduced to art while serving a stint in juvie way back in Kansas.
Right, a juvie tripletail displays its efforts to hide beneath the crab pot buoy--so touching.
Espinosa Jr., together with De Lima and several others, was named in a drug case filed by Albuera police chief Juvie Espinido.
When Dotty repeatedly complained that Kara didn't clean her room or make her bed, Kara was sent back to juvie. When Dotty kept telling the probation officer that Kara talked back, she was sent back again.