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1. Both dry and hot: a xerothermic climate.
2. Adapted to or flourishing in an environment that is both dry and hot: xerothermic organisms.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Physical Geography) both dry and hot
2. (Biology) (of an organism) adapted to dry, hot environments
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The predominant climate in the region according to the Gaussen classification is type 4aTh, (tropical hot, severe drought in the winter), having 7-8 dry months, with a xerothermic index between 200 and 150, type BSwh (hot, semiarid climate, the rainy season starting only in the autumn).
Nolin also documents the impact of glaciers over Ohio and the changes that followed, especially the Xerothermic Period when the "Prairie Peninsula" expanded into west-central Ohio.
While studying the habitat of Phaneropterinae, Kocarek and Holusa (2006) observed that it occupies a wide range of open habitats from xerothermic to wetlands and mostly consumed tall herb or lower shrub.
and Rusek, J.: 1976, Development of xerothermic rendzinas: A study in ecology and soil microstructure, Rozpravy Ceskoslovenske akademie ved, Rada matematickych a pfirodnich ved, 86, No.
It is an herbaceous perennial plant well adapted to xerothermic conditions of Southern Europe (Moglia et al., 2008; Raccuia et al., 2004) and typical conditions of arid and semi-arid areas of the Mediterranean environment (Raccuia et al.,2004; Gominho et al., 2001).
Floristically it is included in the Holarctic Kingdom and is shared between the Illyrian province of the Circumboreal Region (Polunin & Walters 1989), where the beech forests are dominant above 1000 m, with different vegetation series related to the substrate, and the Adriatic province of the Mediterranean Region with xerothermic evergreen vegetation dominated by Pinus halepensis and Quercus ilex close to the sea level, and substituted by deciduous and thermophilous oaks when the sea influence decreases (Trinajstic 1995).
A new species of Bulnesia (Zygophyllaceae) from the Xerothermic Southern Puna of Bolivia.
Arctosa lutetiana (Simon 1876) is an extra-mediterranean (including Ural) wolf spider that dwells in xerothermic forest-grassland habitats (Buchar & Ruricka 2002).